Junta warns monks to stay away from politics and protests

Junta warns monks to stay away from politics and protests
A letter to 70 monasteries in Central Burma's Chauk Township in Magwe Division has warned monks to stay clear of politics and not to lead people in agitations against the regime.

New Delhi – A letter to 70 monasteries in Central Burma's Chauk Township in Magwe Division has warned monks to stay clear of politics and not to lead people in agitations against the regime.

Authorities have sent the warning letters were issued on September 1 through the Chairmen of Ward level monk administrative bodies.

The abbots of the 70 monasteries in Chauk Township were asked to sign the letters in a preventive measure against any possible repetition of last September's saffron uprising.

"Two senior abbots of Ward level 'Sangha (monk) Naryaka' showed the letter to the abbots of the monasteries and told them to sign on it. But we have not noticed the authorities keeping a watch on the monasteries," a monk from a monastery in Asia Ward, Chauk Township told Mizzima.

The warning letter address to the abbots of monasteries and monks, states the monks to observe two precepts of staying away from political parties and desist from agitations and not to lead people in protests, the monk added. The warning also states that violation of the order will result in severe punishment.

Prior to the issuing of the letters, local residents said they saw police holding parades at Ward No. 13, on the Chauk-Yenangyaung highway.

Meanwhile, a residence of No. 8 Ward in Pakokku town of Magwe division said at least 30 police are seen erected barbed wired barricades at the corner of the East Road (Pyidawtha Road) and Suu Gyi Thar Road, near the West monastery. 

"We saw about 30 police deployed east and west of the Pokokku West monastery," he said. 

Similarly, local residents said members of Union Solidarity and Development Association (USDA) in plainclothes are seen stationing at monasteries in Bahan Township of Rangoon. 

"They were deployed in most of the monasteries and on the streets along Kyardawya Street in Bahan," the resident said.