Rangoon civic body buys over 400 unlicensed vehicles

Rangoon civic body buys over 400 unlicensed vehicles
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Mizima News
Rangoon – The Rangoon Municipal Committee has purchased over 400 unlicensed vehicles from the Union of Myanmar Economic Holdings Limited earlier this month, for use by its officials, municipal officials said.

Rangoon – The Rangoon Municipal Committee has purchased over 400 unlicensed vehicles from the Union of Myanmar Economic Holdings Limited earlier this month, for use by its officials, municipal officials said.

The vehicles, which include various models and types ranging from luxury cars such as Land cruisers to Toyotas, were seized from civilians by the Military Intelligence led by the purged Prime Minister Khin Nyunt.

But with Khin Nyunt purged in late 2004 and the military intelligence apparatus abolished, the vehicles were taken over by the government and were resold to the UMEHL.

According to the municipal official the vehicles would be given to municipal officers for their use.

"What we know is that though there are a few vehicles that can be used immediately, many need to be repaired. So, it will take about two weeks more. Then it will be handed over to the officials," the official, who wished not to be identified, added.

Sources said many of the vehicles were in need of extensive repairs as they were deliberately damaged by the owners prior to the seizure, because they knew their vehicles would be confiscated.

Under the leadership of Khin Nyunt, the once powerful Military Intelligence, better known as MI, conducted raids ands seizures of vehicles that  were illegally imported. One of the major trademark of illegally imported vehicles is the lack of license, as all vehicles that are officially imported by paying taxes and duties are provided a license before they can be sold in the market.