Security beefed up in Rakhine State capital city

Security beefed up in Rakhine State capital city
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Chiang Mai – Security was beefed up today in Sittwe in Rakhine State where mass movements and social unrests have been known to occur.

Chiang Mai – Security was beefed up today in Sittwe in Rakhine State where mass movements and social unrests have been known to occur.

Local authorities deployed security forces in Sittwe to prevent ongoing demonstrations escalating in Sandoway and Tungup and spreading to the capital city.

"There's no movement here yet. But security has been tightened along the roads. School teachers have also been involved in security measures and the police are on high alert," a local resident in Sittwe said.

University teachers were deployed today at the entrance of the university and students who wore red and black dresses were ordered to go back home and change their clothes. The whole city was ordered not to wear such dresses today. My sister who wore a black dress had to come back home and change her dress," another local resident said.

Two trucks load of riot police are patrolling the city and security cordons have been set up at every monastery with four trucks each. About 100 riot policemen are deployed at the corner of Lawkananda monastery and U Ottama Park.

88 generation students and about 20 youths offered alms in Sandoway, Rakhine State this morning and shared their meritorious deeds.

"About 20 youths offered alms at about 10:30 this morning at Aungdhamayeiktha monastery in Dwaryarwadi Myothit Ward, Sandoway. The monks recited Metta Sutra and shared the meritorious deeds and the youths offered provisions," Thein Naing, Deputy Secretary of Tungup National League for Democracy (NLD) said.

Similarly NLD members from Yenanchaung, Magwe Division offered alms this morning in eight monasteries.

"We offered alms at eight monasteries separately today. Then we observed the 20th anniversary of the popular uprising by offering eight roses and meritorious deeds. The security police personnel armed with batons and shields have been following us since August 6," a woman NLD member said.