No hearing today in Zarganar case

No hearing today in Zarganar case
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Chiang Mai – Though comedian actor Zarganar appeared before the court today, there was no hearing. August 14 was fixed for the next hearing, as the court has not yet granted criminal power to the defence lawyers to represent their clients.

Chiang Mai – Though comedian actor Zarganar appeared before the court today, there was no hearing. August 14 was fixed for the next hearing, as the court has not yet granted criminal power to the defence lawyers to represent their clients.

The defence lawyers have submitted the criminal power signed by their clients, comedian Zarganar and Sports columnist Zaw Thet Htwe, who were arrested for being involved in relief operations for cyclone victims.

"We went to court today to represent Ko Thura (Zarganar). Their families have given criminal power to the defence lawyers. But we are not allowed to enter the court room as the criminal power papers have not been admitted by the court. But their family members were allowed to enter the court room," advocate Khin Maung Shein said.

Their case was first heard on July 28 inside the Insein prison premises.

Advocate Khin Maung Shein said that Zarganar is charged with disaffection towards the State, under section 505(b) of the Criminal Code, and other cases under Video Law and the Electronic Law. The details will be known only at the next hearing.

The famous actor, director and comedian Zarganar and former editor of 'First Eleven', Zaw Thet Htwe were arrested in June while they were into voluntary and charity relief operation work for cyclone victims.

Similarly some other political cases were not heard today by the respective courts and new dates were fixed for the next hearing.

Kyaw Ko Ko and Nyan Linn Aung, members of 'All Burma Federation of Student Unions' (ABFSU), who are being charged under the Video Law and tried  in Mayangon Township Court were transferred to Mingalataungnyunt Township court. The next hearing is on August 14.

More security personnel are deployed and security is beefed up on the eve of the 20th anniversary of 8888 uprising.

Underground activists have urged students at some universities to wear black dresses on this anniversary in memory of over 3,000 people who died in the uprising. The authorities are closely watching the situation.