UN Humanitarian chief visits Burma to assess post-cyclone situation

UN Humanitarian chief visits Burma to assess post-cyclone situation
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New Delhi - John Holmes, United Nations Humanitarian relief chief, on Tuesday arrived in Rangoon and immediately left for Bogale town in cyclone-hit Irrawaddy delta to survey post-cyclone humanitarian assistance, a UN spokesperson in Rangoon said.

New Delhi - John Holmes, United Nations Humanitarian relief chief, on Tuesday arrived in Rangoon and immediately left for Bogale town in cyclone-hit Irrawaddy delta to survey post-cyclone humanitarian assistance, a UN spokesperson in Rangoon said.

Laksmita Noviera, spokesperson of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in Burma said, "He [Holmes] is already here and he has left for Bogale and he will return to Rangoon later this afternoon."

Holmes, who is in Burma on a three-day visit, will meet Burmese Minister for National Planning and Economic Development and Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement, Noviera said.

Holmes is visiting Burma a day after overseeing the release of the UN-spearheaded latest report on the post-cyclone situation in Burma's Irrawaddy and Rangoon division.

On Monday, the Tripartite Core Group, consisting of the UN, members of Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and Burmese military government released a new report by the Post-Nargis Joint Assessment.

The report said the damage wrought by Cyclone Nargis that lashed military-ruled Burma on May 2 and 3 is about US$ 4 billion and will require at least US$ 1 billion for reconstruction and rehabilitation.

Dr. Anish Kumar Roy, Special Representative of the ASEAN Secretary General, Surin Pitsuwan, in Burma said, the report helps the donor countries to understand the extent of devastation caused by the cyclone.

"Now the donor community knows exactly what is needed. That is important," Dr. Roy said.

While the new report on Monday does not include fund raising, Dr. Roy said, donors can now use the report as a credible document to view the extent of damage and start donating for the reconstruction.

Noviera said so far the UN has been able to raise a total of 39.6 per cent or US$ 187 million out of the revised appeal of US $ 481 million made on July 10.