Reconstruction work of Maung Weik Co. falters

Reconstruction work of Maung Weik Co. falters
by -
Mizzima News
Chiang Mai - The arrest of young business tycoon Maung Weik has thrown a spanner in the works in the reconstruction contract given to his company - Maung Weik and Family Co. Ltd - in Cyclone Nargis-hit Kyaiklat town.

Chiang Mai - The arrest of young business tycoon Maung Weik has thrown a spanner in the works in the reconstruction contract given to his company - Maung Weik and Family Co. Ltd - in Cyclone Nargis-hit Kyaiklat town.

Though officials of Maung Weik and Family Co. Ltd. at Lanmadaw Townhsip in Rangoon city are refusing to answer queries, local residents said reconstruction works in Kyaiklat has been affected by the arrest of the businessman.

Burma 's military rulers have assigned Maung Weik and Family Co. Ltd a contract to conduct reconstruction works in Kyaiklat, as it does with other companies for different regions devastated by the cyclone.

But local residents in Kyaiklat and journalists said the company was rarely seen conducting any reconstruction works.

The junta assigned over 30 companies, most of which are their business cronies, to undertake reconstruction work in cyclone-hit regions in Rangoon and Irrawaddy Divisions.

The junta also appointed several of its Ministers and Mayors to oversee the work. Maung Weik and Family Co. Ltd was assigned to Kyaiklat Township along with Shwemarlar and Thawdarwin Companies.

Activities of Maung Weik Co Ltd. has been drastically reduced after their boss Maung Weik, age 35, was arrested in connection of trafficking and abusing ecstasy drug (popularly known as 'Gaungkharsay'), local residents and journalists said.

His company officials, however, refused to provide any information on the case.

Meanwhile, several companies assigned for the reconstruction jobs are reportedly reluctant to undertake the venture as there has been no indication of recovering their expense and no sign of any 'business opportunity' from the government.

Maung Weik, the billionaire tycoon, donated rice to the cyclone victims of Hleseik village in Kyaiklat Township on May 25, before his arrested on May 31.

Sources said in connection to his arrest, his close friends Aung Zaw Ye Myint, son of Lt. Gen. Ye Myint, and Burmese popular actress Nawaratt were interrogated.

However, after revealing all about the drug case to the investigators, Aung Zaw Ye Myint, was reportedly sent to the Wettikan drug rehabilitation centre in Upper Burma , while Nawaratt was released.

Sources said, several other Burmese celebrities including actors, actresses, and singers were also interrogated in connection to the drug trade and abuses.

Following the mess, Burma 's Police Chief, Brig. Gen. Khin Yi, on June 26, during a rare press conference in Burma 's new jungle capital, Naypyidaw, clarified reporters that no artistes and celebrities were currently under detention in connection with the drug case.

But the Myanmar Times journal, a privately owned Weekly, which has both English and Burmese version, on Thursday reported that a Malaysian national is among the six co-defendants in the case along with Maung Weik.

The Weekly said a case has been registered against a Malaysian national, Peter, Maung Weik, Aung Min, Nay Tun Lwin, Kyaw Phone Naing, Kyaw Hlaing, and Ohn Thee (alias) Kyaw Win at Lanmadaw police station in Rangoon for trafficking and abusing Ecstasy, Stimulants, Ketamine drugs.