Prominent ethnic political leader's health deteriorates

Prominent ethnic political leader's health deteriorates
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Mizzima News
New Delhi - Burma's prominent ethnic political leader, Pu Cin Sian Thang's health is continuing to deteriorate after he sustained rib and shoulder injuries in early May.

New Delhi - Burma's prominent ethnic political leader, Pu Cin Sian Thang's health is continuing to deteriorate after he sustained rib and shoulder injuries in early May.

Family members of Pu Cin Sian Thang, an elected member of Parliament in the 1990 general elections said he is currently bed ridden and is being fed through a pipe.

"Currently he is not able to move. And since he cannot eat, we have to feed him through a pipe. It might take some more time until he can recover," a family member told Mizzima on Wednesday.

The veteran politician, who is also chairman of the Zomi National Congress (ZNC), sustained injuries on his shoulder and ribs when a military truck hit a taxi, in which he was travelling, from the rear on May 10.

Family members said three of his rib bones and his right shoulder bone was broken. Following immediate treatment, he was discharged from the Rangoon general hospital.

"Doctors said he has to take rest for at least six weeks. He is now unable to do anything," a family member, who did not want to be identified, told Mizzima.

Cin Sian Thang is one of the few political leaders who are still not arrested in Burma. Besides, leading the ZNC, which won two parliamentary seats in the 1990 elections, he is also a central committee member of the Committee Representing the Peoples' Parliament, an umbrella group of elected members of Parliament in the 1990 election.

He, however, has had to face frequent arrests by the government for being critical of the ruling junta.