Nargis victims suffer from rainfall

Nargis victims suffer from rainfall
by -
Maung Dee
New Delhi - Incessant rainfall over the last three days has increased the suffering of Cyclone victims in Hlinetharyar and Dagon satellite townships in Rangoon Division in their improper makeshift shelters.

New Delhi - Incessant rainfall over the last three days has increased the suffering of Cyclone victims in Hlinetharyar and Dagon satellite townships in Rangoon Division in their improper makeshift shelters.

Local residents and aid workers narrate how the sufferings of cyclone victims have worsened by the incessant rain for three days.  

"They are living in their dilapidated huts with improper roofing and walls. They have to sit in the rain, trying only to cover the children from the rain. It is terribly inconvenient for them," U Thura (comedian Zargana), who is providing voluntary relief effort to the victims, told Mizzima.  

Nearly one third of the Hlinetharyar Township was destroyed in the cyclone and the victims have to live near their collapsed huts in the open and in the rain.  

"I felt extremely sorry to see the nine villages as soon as I crossed the bridge totally destroyed by the cyclone. It looked like a battlefield. All the houses are flattened and lying on the ground," U Thura said.  

Similarly cyclone victims in Dagon satellite Township are sheltered in the nearby monasteries, prayer halls, schools. Now the outbreak of cholera has been reported due to the crowded space in these shelters.  

Reconstruction of 10'x10' hut will cost at least Kyat. 50,000 as costs of building material prices have gone up. Most people who earned through odd jobs to the tune of only Ks. 3,000 per day cannot afford to rebuild their huts. They are now living in their flimsily built huts with bamboos and thatched roofs that they collected from the rubble and debris.  

"As we are in a hand to mouth situation, we cannot afford to build even a hut which will cost at least in thousands. So we are living in the school at night and in our improperly built huts made of bamboos and bamboo walls collected from the rubble and debris", Daw Hla Hla Maw, A cyclone victim of No. 20 Ward, Hlinetharyar Township, told Mizzima two days ago.  

The local authorities ordered 164 families living in relief shelters opened at No. 11 State Primary School in Kapyo village, Hlinetharyar Township today to vacate at 11 a.m. by the latest, local residents in Hlinetharyar Township said.  

The incessant rain for 10 days in Laputta Township has worsened the suffering of the cyclone victims who are living in their flimsy huts near the Chinese cemetery and Yadanadepa football ground provided and designated by the local authority. Now the rain water has flooded their huts.  

"The heavy rain has been on for 10 days. Our roof is perfect but the cyclone victims have to wrap themselves up with tarpaulin when their huts are flooded with rain water. They are suffering a lot as their huts are built in low lying areas," a local resident from Laputta Dr. Aye Kyu told Mizzima.