More countries send aid to Burma

More countries send aid to Burma
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Mizzima News
New Delhi :  Relief material has been pouring into Burma from several countries in the aftermath of the killer cyclone Nargis which claimed thousands of lives and left over a million homeless. Singapore, Italy, Japan and Taiwan today airlifted relief material including medicines, food and tents for cyclone victims in Burma.

New Delhi :  Relief material has been pouring into Burma from several countries in the aftermath of the killer cyclone Nargis which claimed thousands of lives and left over a million homeless. Singapore, Italy, Japan and Taiwan today airlifted relief material including medicines, food and tents for cyclone victims in Burma.

Aid materials including 160,000 tablets of water purifiers, 36 boxes of chocolates, and medicines from Singapore, USD 300,000 worth of food and other materials from Italy, and three metric tons of food from Taiwan were airlifted today.

On Wednesday, aid materials from India, Thailand, Laos, Bangladesh China, Japan and Singapore had arrived in Burma.

India sent two naval ships, and two aircrafts full of relief supplies, while Laos sent food worth USD 20,000. Taiwan also sent three metric tons of food.

While Thailand's aid material include drinking water and food, China sent construction materials that will be used for reconstructing houses that have been destroyed by the cyclone.

The list of  flights and ships carrying relief allowed  into the country by the regime include:

-       One UN aircraft

-       Two WFP shipments

-       Indian ships and flights from Japan, Laos, Taiwan, Thai and China