Junta accuses Vigorous Burmese Student Warriors of Rangoon blast

Junta accuses Vigorous Burmese Student Warriors of Rangoon blast
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The Burmese military junta, today accused members of the Vigorous Burmese Student Warriors (VBSW) of being involved in the bomb blasts, which rocked Rangoon on Monday.

The Burmese military junta, today accused members of the Vigorous Burmese Student Warriors (VBSW) of being involved in the bomb blasts, which rocked Rangoon on Monday.

The State Peace and Development Council's (SPDC) mouthpiece-- New Light of Myanmar-- reported that the VBSW had been involved in the downtown Rangoon bomb blasts of April 21, which, however did not result in any causalities.

The New Light of Myanmar reported that a student whose code name is Mone Dine (the storm) had triggered the explosion. He had been assigned for destructive operations inside Burma, after finishing his training by VBSW along the border with other countries.

It was reported that security cameras recorded the person, who planted the bomb as about 30 years of age. His physical appearance was 5 ft and 6 inches in height, fair complexioned, short hair with a long face.

On the night of April 20, at about 8 p.m. a bomb exploded in the drainage way of 36th Street near ABC restaurant at the corner of Maha Bandula Road, Kyaut Da Dar Township, Rangoon division. About 9 p.m. another bomb exploded in the drainage way of 32nd Street near Traders' Hotel. No causalities were, however, reported. After the explosion, on April 21, a statement, by VBSW, was posted on the exile blog's pages.

In the statement, the group reported and warned that their warriors inside Burma would continue to fight military dictatorship under the name of Steel Operation. And during 2008, they would carry out revenge against the military rulers, who had violently suppressed the people and monks in 2007.

It also stated that Steel Operation wanted to fight against the military dictators' family members, associates and businessmen close to them, as well as international governments and organizations, who support the SPDC.

Besides these attacks, the VBSW said, did not intend to harm the common people and was only aimed at people's freedom. It opposed rhetorical political organizations; those that did not care for people's lives and for any explosion carried out by armed groups.

There is no confirmation however, whether VBSW issued that statement.

"To be honest I guess VBSW is not active now. It was active, while the Burmese embassy in Bangkok was raided. After that real operators could not be found except for them issuing statements. I do not think it was done by this organization. I am not sure whether or not they are operational. According to the facts in the statement issued yesterday the group wrote the statement," said U Htay Aung from the Network for Democracy and Development (NDD).

"They have no base and some members died when they raided the Burmese embassy in Bangkok. They claim responsibility by issuing statements on the internet. So, to be honest, I am not sure whether they are alive or not and it is possible that SPDC can create terrorism by handpicking the group. I cannot confirm whether that group has a hand in this explosion," he added.