CRPP calls for boycott of junta's referendum

CRPP calls for boycott of junta's referendum
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New Delhi - Parliamentarians of Burma's disregarded 1990 election, today urged the people to boycott the ruling junta's planned 'roadmap' including the referendum on the draft constitution, slated for May.
New Delhi - Parliamentarians of Burma's disregarded 1990 election, today urged the people to boycott the ruling junta's planned 'roadmap' including the referendum on the draft constitution, slated for May.

The Committee Representing Peoples' Parliament (CRPP), on Tuesday said it will oppose the ruling junta, which has dishonoured the results of the 1990 elections, and called on the people of Burma to boycott the ensuing referendum.

Aye Thar Aung, Secretary of the CRPP, in an interview with Mizzima said, "We stand committed to the 1990 election results and call on the regime to implement it as it had promised. And we are opposing the junta's plan, which will further nullify the 1990 election."

The CRPP is an umbrella group of Parliamentarians from all parties including a wide-range of ethnic nationalities and was formed to represent all parliamentarians, who won electoral seats in the 1990 elections.

As part of the seven-step roadmap to democracy, which was declared in 2003, the junta said it will hold a referendum on a draft constitution followed by a general election in 2010.

Aye Thar Aung also attacked the National League for Democracy, Burma's main opposition party led by detained pro-democracy leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, for failing to take a clear stand and failing to guide the people on what they should do about the junta's referendum.

"They (NLD) should make its stand clear whether to boycott or to participate in the junta's referendum. And they should be able to give guidelines to the people on what they should do," Aye Thar Aung said.

"As the 1990 election wining party, the NLD should at least come up with directives as to what its members should do," Aye Thar Aung added.

But Nyan Win, the spokesperson of the NLD, which has been silent over the junta's planned referendum, said they have decided to declare their stand.

However, he declined to elaborate on the path the party has chosen, saying "we will announce it when it is time."