Kyaing Kyaing's health deteriorates not Than Shwe's

Kyaing Kyaing's health deteriorates not Than Shwe's
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Mizzima news
New Delhi - Even as rumors spread that Burma's military strongman Snr. Gen. Than Shwe is seriously ill, reliable sources in Rangoon, Burma's former capital, said it is his wife Kyaing Kyaing who is ailing.

New Delhi - Even as rumors spread that Burma's military strongman Snr. Gen. Than Shwe is seriously ill, reliable sources in Rangoon, Burma's former capital, said it is his wife Kyaing Kyaing who is ailing.

The source, speaking to Mizzima on condition of anonymity, said while Than Shwe is in perfect health, his wife, Kyaing Kyaing's health is deteriorating.

However, the source did not mention what Kyaing Kyaing is suffering from.

While the information could not be independently verified a Burmese official in the Ministry of Information said, Than Shwe is in fine health but declined to comment on Kyaing Kyaing's health.

Rumors that Burma's military supremo Than Shwe is seriously ill has spread in Rangoon since last week.

A few internet blogs, operated by Burmese inside and outside the country, says, "Than Shwe is dead."

An expatriate in Rangoon, who is following the news of Than Shwe's health, told Mizzima on Friday that, "a team of Singaporean doctors landed this morning [Friday] and headed for Nay Pyi Taw."

But the source said, "I was told by a reliable source that it is not the old man whose health is deteriorating but it is the old woman," referring to both Than Shwe and Kyaing Kyaing as old man and old woman, as most people in Burma refer to them.