Second meeting with Suu Kyi in the works

Second meeting with Suu Kyi in the works
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Mizzima news
Sources in Rangoon say the U.N. Special Envoy to Burma, Ibrahim Gambari, met again today with opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi.
Sources in Rangoon say the U.N. Special Envoy to Burma, Ibrahim Gambari, met again today with opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi.
Gambari, who arrived in Burma on Thursday, also met with the pro-democracy leader on Saturday at the Green Bank State Guest House.
The Special Envoy, who is likely to wind up his tour this evening, plans to further meet with diplomats and U.N. agencies, the U.N. Information Center in Rangoon told Mizzima.
The U.N. Information Center said that Gambari yesterday met with Minister of National Planning and Economic Development, Soe Tha, Minister of Health, Dr. Kyaw Myint, Dr. Than Nyunt of the Public Services Selection and Training Board and Deputy Foreign Minister Kyaw Thu.
As with his November tour, the U.N. Special Envoy is likely to return home without gaining a sitting with the regime's Senior General, Than Shwe.
On Friday the regime's Information Minister met Gambari and informed him that the regime rejected all demands made of it by the U.N.
The regime's spokesperson, Brigadier General Kyaw Hsan, criticized Gambari for his activities undermining ethnic unity in Burma and jeopardizing state tranquility and stability.
He said, "The statement issued by you [U.N.] jeopardized confidence building measures underway in Burma and created unnecessary disturbances and disappointing confusions among the ethnic nationalities".
Kyaw Hsan added that it was impossible to restart the constitution drafting process and that there have been enough deliberations and dialogue with Aung San Suu Kyi.
The U.N. Special Envoy also, during a Friday meeting with the Referendum Convening Commission headed by Thaung Nyunt, requested permission for international observers to monitor the constitutional. But this request also met with a negative response from the regime.
Thaung Nyunt additionally turned down an offer for the provision of technical expertise on referendums and elections, saying that there is already enough expertise in Burma to conduct these works, according to the state-run newspaper New Light of Myanmar.
The U.N. Envoy may also meet with a Pa-O organization led by Aung Kham Hti, National Unity Party (NUP) led by Khin Maung Gyi and Union Solidarity and Development Association (USDA) led by Secretary Zaw Min; none of whom he was able to meet with on previous occasions.
Details of Gambari’s talks with National League for Democracy leaders are not yet known.