NLD expects meeting with Gambari

NLD expects meeting with Gambari
by -
Nem Davies
New Delhi – Leaders of Burma's main opposition party – National League for Democracy – are likely to meet the visiting UN special envoy to Burma, Ibrahim Gambari.

New Delhi – Leaders of Burma's main opposition party – National League for Democracy – are likely to meet the visiting UN special envoy to Burma, Ibrahim Gambari.

Gambari, who will arrive in Burma on Thursday, according the United Nations, has communicated with NLD leaders of a possible meeting, the NLD spokesperson Nyan Win said.

"I cannot reveal everything now. But we have information that he [Gambari] will meet us," Nyan Win told Mizzima over telephone.

Gambari's visit on Thursday will be the third since Burma's ruling junta brutally suppressed monk-led protests in September. According to the UN, at least 31 people were killed and thousands arrested during the crackdown.

Following Gambari's visit in October, the ruling junta appointed a Liaison Minister to mediate between detained pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi and junta leader Snr. Gen Than Shwe.

Critics, however, said Gambari has by and large failed in his mission, as talks between Aung San Suu Kyi and junta's Labour Minister Aung Kyi, despite five meetings, has not progressed into genuine talks that could kick-start a process of national reconciliation.

"We cannot hope for changes immediately. But we can hope for progressive development in the meetings," Nyan Win said.