Framework for Peace Dialogue Developed by 56 of Myanmar's Smaller Political Parties

Framework for Peace Dialogue Developed by 56 of Myanmar's Smaller Political Parties
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The 56 political parties that formed the Peace and Politics Implementation Committee have now agreed on 20 points they wish to be discussed as part of the political dialogue that will follow the signing of a nationwide ceasefire agreement, U Saw Than Myint of the Federal Union Party told Mizzima on 4th November.

 Bo Bo/Mizzima

“The main draft agreement has been approved with some amendments in addition to the points that were approved in the previous four meetings,” said U Saw Than Myint.

U Saw Than Myint said the focus of the points was split evenly across three key spheres; political, economic and social dialogue.

He said there are plans for all 56 members to meet on 8th November at the office of the Nationalities Brotherhood Federation, a coalition of parties that represent ethnic minority groups, on 8th November to begin discussion on the political dialogue.

U Nay Min Kyaw, secretary 2 of the National Democratic Front said he expected this process to be complete by the end of the year.

The parties hope this process will find them a seat at the table in the discussions between government, parliament, the defence services, armed ethnic groups and political parties that will follow the signing of a ceasefire agreement, said U Saw Than Myint.