Myanmar Authorities Identify 26 Cases of Trafficked Children in 2014

Myanmar Authorities Identify 26 Cases of Trafficked Children in 2014
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Since the start of 2014, 26 cases of children trafficked or sold into prostitution have been identified by Myanmar’s Central Committee for Prevention against Trafficking in Persons, said an organizational press release on 4th November.

Myanmar Authorities Identify 26 Cases of Trafficked Children in 2014 According to the committee, 23 cases were girls, and three were boys. In the Bago Region, four cases were identified and additional cases were found in: Insein and Hlaingthayar townships, Yangon Region; Einme Township of Ayeyawady Region; Kyaikkhami; Mon State and the Mandalay Region

The police have also investigated cases of nine girls who were trafficked to China for forced marriage and six girls to be used as forced labour in Thailand plus one girl in Malaysia.

The committee says the human traffickers impersonated relatives and parents of children when taking them abroad claiming they would work in the building trade but the children ended up in prostitution.

Police Captain Min Naing of the Anti-Human Trafficking Police Corps says, “We work closely with local police in exposing human trafficking cases to take action against those who force children into prostitution.”