NGO Calls for the Immediate Release of Bi Mon Te Nay Journalists

NGO Calls for the Immediate Release of Bi Mon Te Nay Journalists
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Burma Campaign UK has called for the immediate and unconditional release of the Bi Mon Te Nay journalists, in a press release dated 30th October.

NGO Calls for the Immediate Release of Bi Mon Te Nay

"The imprisonment of the Bi Mon Te Nay's journalists proves that the reform process is backsliding," said Anna Roberts, executive director at Burma Campaign UK. "Journalists should have freedom to report without being constantly harassed and arrested and thrown into jail by Thein Sein's government. Burma won't be able to achieve genuine democracy without press freedom and free media."

The UK-based rights group is asking supporters to write to the UN Special Rapporteur Mr David Kaye, who focuses on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression, asking him to visit Myanmar to investigate cases relating to violations of the right to freedom of expression.

The NGO says Bi Mon Te Nay Journal's three journalists Kyaw Zaw Hein, Win Tin, Thura Aung, and owners Yin Min Htun and Kyaw Min Khaing were arrested in July. The arrests came after they published an article citing an incorrect claim by the Myanmar Democratic Current Force that the people of Myanmar had appointed the opposition leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and ethnic democracy forces as an interim government.

On 16th October Pabedan Township Court in Yangon sentenced them to two years in prison. It was the maximum punishment under Section 505 (b) of the Penal Code for "committing or inducing others to commit an offence against the State or against the public tranquility."

The NGO says Section 505 (b) is one of the most repressive laws which the government uses to jail activists and journalists.