Minister Not Happy with Myanmar Ranking in 'Doing Business' Report

Minister Not Happy with Myanmar Ranking in 'Doing Business' Report
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A Myanmar minister has expressed his dissatisfaction with a World Bank report that continues to rank the country as a poor place to do business.

Minister Not Happy with Myanmar Ranking in Doing Business Report

Union Minister at the President Office U Tin Naing Thein said he was upset that Myanmar had risen only one step in a ranking of the World Bank’s “Doing Business 2015: Going Beyond Efficiency 2015” report, placed 177 out of 189 countries for 2014, compared with 178 in 2013.

U Tin Naing Thein expressed his dissatisfaction in his opening speech at a meeting on investment in Myanmar organized by the World Bank Group at the Park Royal Hotel in Yangon on 31st October.

“As the government made all-out efforts for economic reform, I am not satisfied with the Doing Business Report. But, we will try our best to gain a better result in the coming years,” said the minister.

U Aung Naing Oo, director general of the Directorate of Investment and Companies Administration told media that the government had eased trade restrictions for investment to set up companies and issued investment permits so as to raise the position of Myanmar in the report.