Chin Nationals' Input Sought for New Chin Nationality Act

Chin Nationals' Input Sought for New Chin Nationality Act
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Chin organisations are seeking input from their community on proposed changes to the out-dated Chin Special Division Act of 1948. Representatives of Chin organizations meeting at the National Brotherhood Federation Office in Yangon on 8th October. Photo: Hein Htet/Mizzima

Input from Chin nationals from across Myanmar will be canvassed to update the Chin Special Division Act of 1948, according to Salai Cei Beik Thong, programme director of the Orchid Foundation.

Chin Nationals Input Sought for New Chin Nationality Act

Chin State Parliament committees and civic organizations will hold talks about revising the Chin Act to include the opinions of all Chin nationals across the nation, he told Mizzima on 20th October.

Orchid Foundation which sponsors the process plans to poll the opinions of Chin nationals from nine townships in Chin State, the Magway and Sagaing regions and Rakhine State.

“As the first activity, we have explained salient points from the old law to Chin ethnic committees in Kalay, Tamu and Khampak townships of Sagaing Region. When we meet them once more, they will be ready to give us points to amend the law,” the programme director said.

The Chin Special Division Act of 1948 covers Chin nationals residing in Chin State only. Thus, arrangements are being made to amend the law, considered out of date, to cover all Chin nationals in Myanmar.

The bill will comprise amendments on the rights of inheritance, wedding, divorce, and conservation of wildlife and environmental protection.

Although the Chin State parliament formed a bill committee and assessment committee to amend the law, the lack of funding has slowed progress, according to a parliamentary member.

Chin women’s groups have told the Chin State parliament that Chin women may lose out due to ignorance of some women’s rights in the bill.

The assessment committee of the Chin parliament requested Chin civic organizations to help amend articles in the bill.