Myanmar to survey 108 townships to set minimum wage

Myanmar to survey 108 townships to set minimum wage
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A survey will be conducted in 108 townships across Myanmar by late November to collect information in order to set a minimum wage level for workers, Ko Naw Aung, a member of the committee in charge, told Mizzima.

“After observing the survey conducted on September 24 and 25 in Nay Pyi Taw, we’ve found that it won’t be convenient to undertake a nationwide survey. So we’ve decided to carry out the survey only in 108 townships,” he said.

 Hong Sar/Mizzima

In the survey, they will collect information on the daily expenses of families, the sizes of families and the regional price index for basic commodities.

The survey will also include income and the occupation of individual able-bodied family members aged 22 to 59, he said.

A team comprised of five officials will undertake the survey in each of the 108 townships. The teams will include officials from the Ministry of Labour, employers and members of workers’ unions and civic organizations.

A minimum wage will be set based on the survey results of States and Regions and then the amount will be publicly announced. Any member of the public who wants to make a complaint or comment on the minimum wage decided will be able to file a complaint within 60 days of the announcement. The minimum wage level will be proposed in late November and the Union government will make the decision in late December.

Currently, Myanmar has no minimum wage.

Ministry of Labour,Employment and Social Security Deputy Minister U Htin Aung pledged in parliament June 3 that the minimum wage would be officially set by December with the aim to make sure that workers and their families can survive on a basic wage.