Myanmar must have visa-free travel with ASEAN neighbours, says tourism body

Myanmar must have visa-free travel with ASEAN neighbours, says tourism body
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While Myanmar holds the chair of ASEAN, it should focus on ensuring agreements are reached with the remaining five Southeast Asian neighbours yet to sign reciprocal visa exemption arrangements, says U Naung Naung Han, secretary of Myanmar Tourism Federation.

Speaking to Mizzima on October 13, he said particular focus should be placed on Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore, adding that Myanmar travellers face difficulties in the visa application with these countries because of the issues surrounding the movement of Myanmar migrant workers.

People line up as they wait in front of immigration inspection counters at Yangon International Airport

“While taking ASEAN chairmanship, Myanmar government should put pressure to these countries for visa exemption issues,” the secretary told Mizzima.

According press releases from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Myanmar has already signed agreements for visa free travel with Cambodia, Laos, Indonesia, the Philippines and Vietnam.