Numbers flying soars after introduction of online sales, say airlines

Numbers flying soars after introduction of online sales, say airlines
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A number of Myanmar’s domestic airlines are putting the increased sales they say they are experiencing down to the introduction of online sales and e-ticketing.

Daw Aye Mra Tha, marketing manager of Myanmar Airways International, told Mizzima that the system was cheaper and more attractive to their target market.

“Our target market is international market. Myanmar citizens who are in foreign countries also buy our tickets [via online]. But, in country, the number of people having credit cards is small, so most of our [online] customers are foreigners,” said Daw Aye Mra Tha.

Speaking to Mizzima, U Lwin Moe, managing director of Asian Wings Airways, an airline that introduced its own online system in July, said “it is more convenient for foreigners visiting Myanmar.”

He added people who don’t have credit or debit cards can book tickets via their website, and then pay for tickets at traditional ticket agencies or the airline’s offices.

Myanmar’s Directorate of Civil Aviation has estimated total passenger traffic will reach 3.2 million in 2014 and 5 million in 2015, up from 2.6 million in 2013.