Shan armed groups and political parties to meet in Bangkok

Shan armed groups and political parties to meet in Bangkok
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Leaders of armed ethnic groups and political parties from Shan State will hold talks in Bangkok on October 2 and 3, U Sai Nyunt Lwin, general secretary of the Shan Nationalities League for Democracy told Mizzima on October 1.

 Shan State Army (SSA)

U Sai Nyunt Lwin said arrangements have been made to hold a meeting that will include representatives from armed groups; the Restoration Council of Shan State and the Shan State Progress Party and political parties; the Shan Nationalities League for Democracy and the Shan National Democratic Party.

U Sai Nyunt Lwin declined to reveal the meeting’s planned agenda, only adding “The meeting will not adopt a resolution, but it will focus on the issues of Shan State.”

President U Thein Sein urged political forces to be generous of mind in his monthly radio message on October 1 and abandon partisanship during what he termed “a critical time” during Myanmar’s political transition. He pointed out that only when the proposed nationwide ceasefire agreement can be signed successfully, will the political dialogue commence, crucial for the political stability of the nation.