USDP planning voter surveys ahead of 2015 election

USDP planning voter surveys ahead of 2015 election
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The ruling Union Solidarity and Development Party is planning to survey voters as part of its preparations for the general election due to be held in 2015, USDP executive committee member U Tint Zaw told Mizzima on September 22.

The opinion of survey respondents would be sought on what they wanted from the party, what they regarded as its weaknesses and whether they intended to vote in the election, U Tint Zaw said.

USDP executive committee members and the chairs of its state and regional branches were working on plans for the survey, he said.
"The party has a schedule for what to do when, but we have no fixed time for this poll,” U Tint Zaw said, adding that conducting opinion polls was an important part of the party's election strategy.

The secretary of the party's Yangon Region branch, U Tha Win told Mizzima on September 22 said it had no plans to survey voters in the commercial capital, which is home to about seven million of the nation's 54.1 million people.

The USDP has more than 200 seats in the 440-member Pyithu Hluttaw and more than 120 seats in the 224-member Amyotha Hluttaw.