Civil Society Organisation launches petition against PR

Civil Society Organisation launches petition against PR
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A collection of 20 civil society organisations launched a campaign on August 28 to object to the plans to use a system of proportional representation for future elections to the Amyotha Hluttaw.

The People’s Activity Escalation Network opened their campaign with 60 signatories attending an event at Seik-taing-gya hall in South Okkalapa Township, Yangon.

Ko Myat Kyaw, co-organiser of the network, told Mizzima the group will collect signatures across eight townships in the east of Yangon city until September 10 before sending a copy of the petition to the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, the National League for Democracy and the ethnic parties that object to proportional representation.

U Ohn Tin, a member of the commission drafting the proposals for a future nationwide electoral system told Mizzima on August 24 that the commission had nearly finished their task.