No immediate solution to stop Yangon flooding, says Mayor

No immediate solution to stop Yangon flooding, says Mayor
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Flooding in Yangon cannot be stopped despite the millions of kyat spent on measures to tackle the issue, said U Hla Myint, the mayor of Yangon.

The mayor spoke on August 25 in the Yangon Regional Hluttaw to explain how the K1.2 billion (US$1.2 million) budget to tackle flooding, would be allotted across various Yangon departments of infrastructure.

He said that flooding could not be prevented 100 per cent using present approaches, no matter the amount spent on prevention and to tackle the problem effectively it would require huge investment in extraordinary measures such as the building of dykes, underground drains, embankment and reservoirs.
In response regional MP Dr Nyo Nyo (Independent, Bahan Township) asked who would be taking responsibility if Yangon flooded again next year.

“Even after spending billions, Yangon is still like a sea,” she said.

“I have answered enough and I cannot say more,” said the mayor in response.