Hlaingtharyar rickshaw drivers protest against illegal motorcycle taxis

Hlaingtharyar rickshaw drivers protest against illegal motorcycle taxis
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About 100 rickshaw drivers from Hlaingtharyar Township, Yangon gathered at the old Kyaikkasan racecourse on August 24 to protest against what they say are illegal motorcycle taxis operating in their township and ruining their livelihoods.

“In our Hlaingtharyar Township, motor-cycling is supposed to be prohibited,” said U Myint Thaung, the leader of Shwe-lin-ban Kindergarten Junction’s rickshaw drivers.

Demonstrators told Mizzima they believed there to be about 20,000 motorcycles driven in Hlaingtharyar and only 1564 registered rickshaw drivers.

“Rickshaw drivers have to apply for a licence to operate a rickshaw,” said U Khin Hlaing, a protester.
“Including tax, they cost about costs about K600,000 (US$600) but a motorcycle can be bought for K250,000 ($250), so we struggle to support our families on the income we receive,” he said, adding that their incomes in the past three years had been reduced to a third of what they once were.

U Khin Hlaing said motorcycle taxi drivers were able to make about K10,000 (US$10) a day.

Demonstrators said they had originally applied to the authorities in Kyauktada Township in the hope of protesting in front of city hall but had been denied permission and were told instead go to the old racecourse in Tamwe.

The Hlaingthayar rickshaw drivers said they have protested twice before; once in October 2012 and December 2013.