MSF welcomes invitation to resume activities in Rakhine State

MSF welcomes invitation to resume activities in Rakhine State
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In an unexpected move, the Rakhine State Government has invited an international branch of the international medical aid group, Medicins Sans Frontieres, to "participate" in humanitarian activities in the state.

The state government's decision was revealed in an announcement published in the state-controlled New Light of Myanmar on July 24.

It said MSF (Switzerland) was among 24 UN agencies and international non-government organisations working in the state which had been invited "to participate in development, humanitarian, education and healthcare programs in accordance with the wishes of the Rakhine people".

“MSF welcomes the Myanmar Government’s announcement today that the organisation will be invited to resume medical humanitarian operations in Rakhine State,” the organisation said in a statement.

“We look forward to continuing constructive discussions with the Ministry of Health regarding how MSF can support the ministry in the immediate expansion of life-saving medical activities for the people of Rakhine currently facing a humanitarian crisis," said the statement from MSF's Yangon office.

The Union government suspended the activities of the Netherlands branch of MSF, Artsen Zonder Grenzen, in Rakhine on February 26 following accusations that it was giving Muslim victims of communal violence preferential treatment.
Before its activities were suspended, AZG was providing medical aid to about 700,000 Muslims and Buddhists in Rakhine, including about 200,000 living in camps for the internally displaced and in isolated villages.

The state government's July 24 announcement said the 24 UN agencies and other groups were working in Rakhine had a total staff of 185 people, of whom 72 were expatriates.

The announcement said an action plan for peace, stability and development in Rakhine had been discussed at a meeting held at the Myanmar Peace Center in Yangon on June 26 and 27.

It said the meeting was attended by members of the Emergency Coordination Centre as well as diplomats and representatives from UN agencies, international NGOs, the state government, civil society groups based in Rakhine and the peace center.

The ECC was appointed by the Union government to oversee the activities of humanitarian organisations in Rakhine after AZG was expelled from the state in February.