NLD leader offers to intervene in land ownership dispute

NLD leader offers to intervene in land ownership dispute
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National League for Democracy leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi has offered to help nearly 300 families from Yangon’s Mayangone Township who say they are the victims of a land-grab for a real estate project.


Daw Aung San Suu Kyi said she would raise the matter with the relevant authorities after about 100 protesters representing the 293 families converged on her lakeside home on University Avenue on April 3.

The protesters travelled to the opposition leader’s residence after temporarily suspending their protest outside the Taw Win Cherry housing development in Mayangone Township’s 6th ward, on which they say work began after their land was seized in 2006.

“We are helpless, so we came to the people’s leader, Mother Suu, in the belief that she would provide us with whatever help she can,” said one of the protesters, Daw Sein Htwe, 49.

“We are quite encouraged that she came down to listen to us. Mother did not promise us anything but she said she would consult with legal experts in an effort to solve these problems,” she said.

The protesters said they had sought Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s assistance because of the lack of a response from the authorities.