President airs hopes for a peaceful Myanmar

President airs hopes for a peaceful Myanmar
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President U Thein Sein has expressed hope during a visit to Kachin State that a legacy of his term in office will be a peaceful Myanmar.


“I want peace throughout the nation, including Kachin State,” the President said during a meeting with Christian leaders in the state capital, Myitkyina, on March 16.

“I want a peaceful Kachin State to be my gift to future generations,” he said.

“We need peace urgently,” said U Thein Sein, adding that the younger generation has lagged behind, including in health and education, because the nation was not at peace.

The head of state also expressed hope that Kachin State would participate in the peace-making process, adding that the signing of a nationwide ceasefire agreement was drawing near.

“No-one must be left out of the peace process, including the Kachin Independence Organisation and the Kachin Independence Army,” he said.

At a meeting with ethnic leaders and citizens in Myitkyina earlier on March 16, U Thein Sein expressed regret that fighting was continuing between government forces and the KIA.