Myanmar-China ties to help on South China Sea issue, says presidential spokesman

Myanmar-China ties to help on South China Sea issue, says presidential spokesman
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Myanmar’s close relationship with China will be an advantage in helping to find solutions to territorial disputes in the South China Sea, says presidential spokesman U Ye Htut.

He was referring to China’s claims to islands and shoals in the South China Sea that are also claimed in whole or in part by Myanmar’s ASEAN partners, Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia and Brunei.

Myanmar’s handling of the issue is likely to be a major challenge in its role as chair of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations this year.

“China and Myanmar have had a good neighborly relationship for many years; it is not a hindrance but an advantage in the case of the South China Sea,” U Ye Htut told reporters in Bagan on January 16 ahead of meeting of ASEAN foreign ministers the next day.

The presidential spokesman said that Myanmar has had an active, independent, non-aligned foreign policy since independence in 1948 “and it will endeavor to achieve solutions acceptable to all, not only in relation to the disputes in the South China Sea but in any other issues they have.”

In its role as ASEAN chair, Myanmar would try to achieve agreement on a code of conduct for resolving the territorial disputes as a first phase, U Ye Htut said.

ASEAN and China agreed in 2002 to establish a code of conduct to settle the issue but there are differences within the regional grouping over the move.

U Ye Htut said it was difficult to say if a code of conduct would be realized, but added that it was important to have understanding among stakeholder countries.

Myanmar could overcome the challenges posed by the dispute through diplomacy and engagement, said U Aung Htoo, the deputy director general of the ASEAN Affairs Department in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

U Aung Htoo said Myanmar would try to maintain the progress already achieved in drafting a code of conduct until an agreement was reached.