Myanmar gov't, KIO hope for good outcome of talks

Myanmar gov't, KIO hope for good outcome of talks
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Both of the peace negotiation groups of the Myanmar government and the rebel Kachin Independent Organization (KIO) hoped for obtaining good outcome of talks which resumed in Myitgyina, capital of northernmost  Kachin state, Tuesday.

Head of government's peace negotiation group U Aung Min, who is vice chairman of the government's Central Peace Making Work Committee and Minister at the President's Office, stressed cooperation between the two sides to obtain the expected results, saying that discussions are being made to bring about nationwide ceasefire.

Myanmar govt kio hope for good outcome of talks

Only when political dialogue is held, matters related to equal rights, self-administration, federalism, constitution amendment, power sharing and resources sharing can be further touched upon, he emphasized.

As there remain only 28 months of tenure of the present government, he said the government wants to leave behind good tradition, calling for the armed forces, ethnic armed groups, ethnic parties to jointly strive to this end.

Head of KIO peace negotiation group U Sumlut Guam also called for effort to strive for the expected outcome of domestic peace and emergence of stable and genuine democratic state.

Tuesday's talks, the 9th round since December 2011 after clashes between the two sides broke out half a year ago, is the follow-up of the May talks in Myitgyina this year.

Besides the presence of representatives of 10 ethnic armed groups, a delegation of five Chinese foreign ministry officials and Special Adviser to the UN Secretary-General Vijay Nambiar also attended the talks as observers.

More talks will be followed on Wednesday.

The government claimed it had reached ceasefire agreements with 14 ethnic armed groups.