Rice husks to create electric power in Japanese scheme

Rice husks to create electric power in Japanese scheme
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Japan has given US $1.5 million towards the research of converting rice husk gas into electricity in a deal signed last week.

Rice huskChairman Tin Win of the Myanmar Rice Millers’ Association said that Japan Biofuel Co., Myanmar Biotech Co., and the Tokyo Electric Power Company will work together on the project.

Japan’s New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) will contribute over $1 million, while Biofuel Co. will contribute $450,000.

San Pya Rice Mill in the Daydaye Township and Doe Le Tha Mar (Our Farmers) Rice Mill in Nyaungdon Township will start a trial run for the project.

The rice husk gas will be used in the production of high-standard rice and rice products in Rangoon, Pegu and Naypyitaw. The extra electric power will be distributed to nearby villages.

The project will be carried out with the support of the Economy, Trade and Industry Ministry of Japan. The Myanmar Rice and Paddy Traders Association and the Myanmar Rice Millers’ Association will also cooperate in the project.