Indonesian newspaper wins libel case

Indonesian newspaper wins libel case
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Source: AJI
A South Jakarta court dismissed on 15 July 2009 a libel suit filed against local newspaper "Koran Tempo". Presiding judge Syahrial Sidik considered the accusations of the complainant, Munarman, as vague...

A South Jakarta court dismissed on 15 July 2009 a libel suit filed against local newspaper "Koran Tempo".

Presiding judge Syahrial Sidik considered the accusations of the complainant, Munarman, as vague. The judge also noted that the paper had acted in accordance with the 1999 Press Law.

"Koran Tempo" had published in its 3 June 2008 edition a picture depicting the complainant, Munarman—an Islamic Troop commander, strangling a man during a rally two days earlier. The rally turned violent when his group clashed with the National Alliance for the Freedom of Faith and Religion (AKKBB). Islamic troop is an Islamic fundamentalist militia.

The caption read, "Islamic Troop Commander Munarman strangling a member of the AKKBB at Monas".

Munarman claimed that the caption and picture are libelous and explained that he was, in fact, strangling his own member, while urging the others to refrain from committing violence during the rally.