SEAPA Alert: Malaysian government's crackdown on free expression alarms media group

SEAPA Alert: Malaysian government's crackdown on free expression alarms media group
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Source: CIJ
The following is a statement from the Centre for Independent Journalism (CIJ), a SEAPA partner based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: CIJ raises concern over possible clampdown on anti-government expression ...

The following is a statement from the Centre for Independent Journalism (CIJ), a SEAPA partner based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia:

CIJ raises concern over possible clampdown on anti-government expression

The Centre for Independent Journalism (CIJ) is deeply worried that the new administration under Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak has begun a swoop of those publicly opposed to the takeover of the northern state of Perak by the ruling Federal government Barisan Nasional. The government has so far arrested a total of 17 people involved in organizing a protest campaign, which includes writers, members of Parliament and activists. Further, in an effort to thwart a planned public assembly by critics, the police have erected roadblocks around the Perak state secretariat building, obtained a court injunction to forbid public gathering at the building's vicinity, and issued warning against the public not to heed calls for acts of civil disobedience.

Police first targeted Wong Chin Huat, an academic and writer, on 5 May. Wong is the spokesperson for the Coalition for Free and Fair Election (BERSIH), which initiated a campaign dubbed '1BlackMalaysia' calling Malaysians to wear black on the day the Perak State Legislative Assembly reconvenes on 7 May. Wong was arrested at his home and police obtained a remand order against him until 8 May. Wong chairs the Writers' Alliance for Media Independence (WAMI) and has written extensively against the undemocratic means of gaining power through the crossover of elected representatives. Responding to Wong's call, Inspector General of Police Musa Hassan warned members of the public against "creating tension" by not wearing black on 7 May.

Then on 6 May, the vice president of the Pan Islamic Party (PAS), Mohamad Sabu, and a supreme council member of the National Justice Party (PKR) Badrul Hisham Shaharin, were nabbed. Police have so far refused to divulge information on the arrests but it is believed to be linked to Mohamad Sabu's plan for an organised mass prayer in Perak tomorrow and Badrul Hisham's role in commemorating the birthday of a Mongolian woman, Altantuya Shaaribuu, murdered three years ago, whom many speculate had links with the current Prime Minister. The death of Altantuya, like the Perak issue, has also been taboo subject since the court proceedings failed to adequately answer the connection between the murdered Mongolian and Najib's aide, Abdul Razak Baginda. Further, the court made a questionable ruling of acquitting Abdul Razak from the charge of abetting the murder and thereby not establishing the mastermind of the murder.

On the evening of 6 May, police arrested 14 people who attended a candlelight vigil in front of the police station in Kuala Lumpur to show solidarity for Wong. Those arrested included the editor of "Suara Keadilan", a publication of PKR, Law Teck Hao, columnist Josh Hong, Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall leader Liau Kok Fah, two from human rights group Suara Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM) John Liu and Temme Lee, and parliamentarian Teo Nie Ching. All of them were later released without charges.

The swoop indicates that Najib's administration is far from sincere about instituting reforms and allowing greater openness despite his call for "OneMalaysia". With the absence of any law reform so far, institutions such as the police force, the mainstream media and to some extent the judiciary have demonstrated that they remain shackled and firmly pro-Federal government. CIJ is worried that this means more crackdown will follow as the weakened Barisan Nasional attempts to re-consolidate by repressing the voices of critics and civil society.