Thai PM rejects calls for reforming lese majeste law

Thai PM rejects calls for reforming lese majeste law
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Source: SEAPA
Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva turned down on March 5 an international call for the reform of lese majeste law but hinted some amendment to the enforcement of the law could be considered to allow for expression of academic opinions...

Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva turned down on March 5 an international call for the reform of lese majeste law but hinted some amendment to the enforcement of the law could be considered to allow for expression of academic opinions.

Speaking at the 54th anniversary of the Thai Journalists Association (TJA), Abhisit said there was a need to maintain this law in order to protect the reputation of the kingdom’s revered monarchy.

The prime minister said he could not accept an argument that the lese majeste law undermined freedom of expression. “Why does no one criticize countries which have laws dealing with contempt of court and call for the repeal of that law?”

However, he admitted that politicians in the past have abused provisions of the lese majeste law. He said this should be addressed to ensure that the genuine spirit of this law is implemented. Abhisit added that he had told the National Police Commission to handle lese majeste charges with care.

Over 50 international scholars and dignitaries have signed a letter to the Thai Prime Minister recently calling for reform of the lese majeste law. The letter came after a spate of lese majeste cases in Thailand and moves by the Thai government to restrict online discussions of the royal family.

The letter argues that “frequent abuse of the lese majeste law against political opponents undermines democratic processes” and generates “heightened criticism of the monarchy and Thailand itself, both inside and outside the country.”

Lese majeste is a criminal offense in Thailand, carrying prison terms of 3-15 years.

Laws regarding defamation of the monarchy have been provided for in every Constitution the Kingdom has ever had. The 2007 Charter reads: "The King shall be enthroned in a position of revered worship and shall not be violated. No person shall expose the King to any sort of accusation or action."

Moreover, the Thai Criminal Code further states in Article 112: "Whoever defames, insults or threatens the King, Queen or the Heir-apparent, shall be punished with imprisonment of three to 15 years."