Main Office of Mizzima News Group sealed off

Main Office of Mizzima News Group sealed off
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Burma News International, a network of ten Burmese news organizations, urges Indian authorities to immediately reopen the main office of Mizzima News Group, in Viskaspuri, New Delhi , India , which was sealed off on Monday.
Press Release:
For Immediate Release
Date: April 17, 2007.
Main Office of Mizzima News Group sealed off
Burma News International, a network of ten Burmese news organizations, urges Indian authorities to immediately reopen the main office of Mizzima News Group, in Viskaspuri, New Delhi , India , which was sealed off on Monday.
Aung Naing, development officer of BNI, said, "It is crucial for democratic country like India to have access to independent news sources like Mizzima".
BNI learnt that the office of Mizzima News Group, one of the network members of BNI was sealed off with the reason of running business in residential area.
However, Soe Myint, Editor in Chief of Mizzima said there was strong suspicion that the raid was related to Mizzima's coverage on Burma and his role as translator for the 34 Arakan and Karen rebels currently on trial in Kolkata , India , for allegedly supplying weapons to Indian insurgents. The rebels claim to be freedom fighters opposing the Burmese junta's iron-fist regime.
The editor of Mizzima News Group Sein Win said, "Mizzima's editorial operations have now been severely hampered. It appealed for international support, even as it sought the understanding of its readers in anticipation of further interruptions in delivering its news products".
Mizzima, which was founded in August 1998, is an independent and non-profitable news agency producing independent news and commentary on Burma . It has been reporting consistently about the human rights situation in Burma , including violations against the media and journalists by the Burmese military junta.
In covering Burma , Mizzima also covers Southeast Asian and South Asian politics that impact on the military-ruled country. Among other things, it covers and critiques India 's current policy towards Rangoon .
For support, write a letter to
hri Shivraj Patil,
Minister of Home Affairs,
Government of India , New Delhi
North Block, Central Secretariat, New Delhi - 110 001
Phone: 23092011, 23092161 Fax: 23093750, 23092763
Contact: Aung Naing (BNI development officer)
Phone: +66 (0) 89 701 8661
BNI is composed of 10 members such as

Mizzima News Group
Khonumthung News Group
Kaladan Press Network
Narinjara News
Kao Wao News Group
Kachin News Group
Independent Mon News Agency
Shan Herald Agency for News
Network Media Group
Kantarawaddy Times