Padoh Kwe Htoo Win, the Karen National Union’s general secretary, in an exclusive interview with Karen News explains his organization position on...
Padoh Kwe Htoo Win, the Karen National Union’s general secretary, in an exclusive interview with Karen News explains his organization position on the...
The Karen National Union’s general secretary, Padoh Kwe Htoo Win, in an exclusive interview with Karen News explains why now is not the right time to...
More than 150 representatives and observers from 40 Karen organizations from inside Burma, along the Thai-Burma border and overseas who took part in...
More than 150 representatives and observers from 40 Karen organizations from inside Burma, along the Thai-Burma border and overseas who took part in...
More than 150 representatives from 40 different Karen organizations attended the 9th Karen National Unity Seminar held from May 27 to 31 in Karen...
Colonel Ner Dah Mya, a son of General Saw Bo Mya, met and discussed with Burmese civil society groups in Sydney during a recent visit to Australia.
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi attended the 8th anniversary of the memorial lighting prayer service for people who have died from HIV/AIDS held at Inn Yar Lake...
Karen State government officials, representatives from Burma based civil society organizations and border based community based organizations met for...
The Burma Army has issued an ultimatum to Karen ethnic armed groups to remove their flags by midday Wednesday or suffer the consequences.
International health organisations estimate southeastern Burma’s health infrastructure as one of the regions worst with as many as 400,000 people...
three days of discussion representatives from organizations working on refugee issues along the Thai-Burma border, refugee representatives, civil...
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe should make improving human rights in Burma a key priority during his visit to the country , the New York based...
The participation of women in future peace talks between the ethnic groups and the central government will be critical contribution to achieving...
A Burmese migrant labour activist organization had been awarded the International Labour Rights Award for its contribution to the labour rights...
