A report by a human rights groups claims Chin Christians are facing state discrimination and being denied their religious freedom.
ID card Burma’s National ID Cards grant relative freedom of travel, allow voting in national elections, access to official schools. Denied for...
A new bridge over the Hong-Tha-Yaw River is to be built connecting Hlaing Kweh and Mae Tha Yaw, in Kawkareik Township. Construction of the bridge...
General Mutu Say Poe, chairperson of the Karen National Union (KNU) in a speech addressed to all Karen people to mark the 65th Karen Revolution Day,...
In a show of unity and strength representatives from 17 armed resistance groups met in Karen State to discuss a nationwide ceasefire agreement for...
In an interview with Karen News, Nan Dah Eh Kler, Chairperson of the Karen Women Organization (KWO), argued that the Burma’s Government’s reform...
The British Government has been criticized by a prominent human rights advocacy group after it’s decision to fund military training for the Burma...
UNICEF has pointed out that Burma’s reformist government, led by President and ex-general Thein Sein, has failed to adequately increase education and...
Rape is still being used as a weapon of war, with more than 100 women and girls raped by the Burma Army since a 2010 election placed a nominally...
Karen representatives from across Burma held a two-day forum from January 9 to 10, in Hpa-An, Karen State, with the objective of “forming a united...
Government troops fired artillery shells into Karen village areas in Northern Papun Township, KNU sources told Karen News. No villagers were injured...
State-run oil and rubber plantations are blocking displaced Karen villagers from returning to their original land.
Farmers along the Done-Tha-Mi River face severe rice shortages this year due to wet season flooding.
A Karen National Union delegation of 10 and led by General Mutu Say Poe met yesterday with Burma’s President Thein Sein and Defense Minister Min Aung...
Reduced funding from international donors has seen tens of thousands of refugees living on the Thai Burma border receiving less food to eat.
