Padoh Mahn Nyein Maung, a Karen National Union (KNU) Central Executive Committee member, said during his speech at a peace process meeting that...
Migrant workers from Burma are finding that life has become much more complicated following Thailand’s military coup on May 22, with their travel...
Mahn Robert Zan, an advisor to the Karen Communities of Minnesota and a former Karen freedom fighter, urged the Karen National Union (KNU) to set a...
In an exclusive interview with Karen News a senior commander from the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA), Brigadier General Saw Kyaw Phyu, joined...
Hundreds of young Karen people dressed in their traditional clothing file into a large open-air building in Karen State, a booming series of “hello…...
Giving the opening address at the 10th Karen Unity Seminar, the Karen National Union’s chairperson, Saw Mutu Sae Po called all the attending Karen...
In his opening address at the annual “Karen Unity Seminar,” the Karen National Union’s (KNU) chairperson, General Saw Mutu Sae Po (General Mutu),...
A six-year-old girl was killed and five villagers wounded by a landmine in U Mu Ta village, Hlaingbwe Township, two kilometers away from the Thai...
Despite the much-lauded government reforms by the international community and President U Thein Sein’s 2013 promise to release all political...
In an exclusive interview with Karen News, the Secretary of the Karen Women’s Organization (KWO)—an NGO which represents female refugees on the Thai-...
Despite Burmese President Thein Sein’s 2013 promise to release all political prisoners—a move praised by many foreign leaders, who relied on his...
A six-year-old girl was killed and five villagers were wounded by a landmine on May 25th in the village of U Mu Ta, which is located around two...
A host of international based Burma human rights advocacy organisations have voiced grave concern that refugees on the Thai-Burma border are being...
Thousands of Karen students from as many as 370 schools in Pago [Pegu] Division can now officially learn their mother tongue thanks to a new program...
A group of Burma-focused international NGO’s have voiced grave concern that refugees on the Thai-Burma border are being forced to return to Burma...
