Karen National Liberation Army sources confirmed their fighters killed two Burma army soldiers and wounded four others in an ambush on the Kler Day...
Following a spate of attacks by unknown gunmen and bombers against a businessman with links to the Burma army and other military target in and around...
The Burma government has repeatedly denied the use of forced labor to international organisations, but villagers from Dweh Loe township in Papun...
Since July 2010, Burma’s military regime has insisted on keeping the Myawaddy-Mae Sot border checkpoint closed in retaliation for what it claims was...
Burmese government plans to replace armed ceasefire groups with a Border Guard Force now lies in ruins among the smouldering buildings of their army...
The Ethnic Nationalities Council (ENC) issued a statement at the 6th congress in June, urging the newly elected Burmese president, U Thein Sein, to...
Myawaddy residents are running on scared after recent fighting in the area. Eyewitnesses said a civilian who ignored a Burma army warning not to...
Karen National Liberation Army sources confirm that in clashes on June 10 in the area of Lamphan village – 19 miles south of Kawkreik town, Karen...
Fighting this week between Karen fighters and Burma army soldiers forced 200 villagers from Mae Ka Tha out of their homes. Mae Ka Tha village is...
Civilian witnesses in Three Pagoda Pass town said yesterday evening, in what regional security agencies say is an unusual twist to the on-going...
As talk persists about repatriation of Burmese refugees living along Thailand’s western border, a refugee leader said he sees no possibilty for the...
Economic necessity and ongoing oppression by military authorities in Karen State have driven many in the Karen community to seek employment in...
The Burmese government’s decision to issue an amnesty order to reduce all prisoners’ sentences by one year that was issued in May has been widely...
The Democratic Karen Buddhist Army border guard force (BGF) in Myawaddy Township in Karen State has turned to a lottery system to recruit new...
Teachers in central Karen state had to close their schools when they heard the Burma army were attacking villages in the area. Teacher, Saw Nway Oo,...
