The Karen National Union denied reports in Burma’s state controlled newspapers that claimed that on August 8 an attack by Karen fighters had wounded...
I don’t think many people in the west have any real understanding of what it is like to be driven out of your country, to have to flee for your life...
Recent fighting between a breakaway Border Guard Force faction and a group under the control of the Burma Army drove more than 130 villagers in...
Residents of Mae Ra Ma Luang refugee camp in northern Thailand are bracing themselves against further flooding that has already swamped 400 houses,...
Villagers in the Bu Tho Township of Papun district in northern Karen state say Burma Army forced recruitment of villagers as unpaid labor has seen at...
Fighting between Border Guard Force factions forced 14 village schools in Hlaingbwe Township area to close.
Last week a researcher from the Karen Human Rights Group witnessed villagers in the Palu area been used as forced labor by the Burma Army. The KHRG...
Yesterday Italian-Thai company workers were evacuated back to Thailand to escape fighting between Karen fighters and Burma army soldiers near their...
Amid much fanfare the new Burma education minister announced in April this year that all compulsory primary education would be free in the academic...
(Feature) International funds for Burmese refugees living in Thailand are being slashed --- ZOA, a major educational donor, plans to stop operating...
Mr Samart Loifah, the governor of Tak Province, sent shockwaves through the Burmese refugee camps when he told reporters earlier this week that Thai...
Reports this week from Kachin and Shan States confirm rape is still being used as a tactic by the Burma Army to demoralise and terrorise ethnic...
The desertion, in April of a 1,000 Border Guard Force soldiers from under the control of the Burma Army has given a huge boost to other Karen armed...
Humanitarian groups accuse Burmese government soldiers of committing war crimes against 'convict porters' used in frontline conditions
Threats from Burma army have forced more than 30 farmers in the Papun district of Karen state to abandon their farms and plantations.
