First use of airstrikes by the government in twenty years raises prospect of increased numbers of civilian deaths in conflict areas – community...
The Karen Women Action Group, a community-based women’s group working out of Rangoon gave its approval for the issues the Karen National Union raised...
A Karen National Union delegations met with Vice-Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, the head of the Defense Ministry and the Tatmadaw (Burma Army), in...
Villagers in the east of Dawei, Southern Burma are protesting the building of a dam that will destroy their villages and force them to be relocated.
The 2013 Karen New Year celebrations will be first. It will be the first time, the Karen people and its political organisdation, the Karen National...
The Ethnic Human Rights Network issued a public statement calling on Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and her political party, the National Liberation Party, to...
Villagers in the Thandaung area were frightened by a Burma Army helicopter that repeatedly flew over their homes last week – the area is under the...
Karen National Union leaders left today from the Thai-Burma border to travel to Naypyidaw to meet with President Thein Sein to discuss war in ethnic...
General Mutu Say Poe won the leadership of Karen National Union in a secret ballot at the organisations 15th Congress held in Lay Wah, Pa-an District...
Since October 26, Karen National Union representatives and members of community-based-groups have attended the KNU 15th Congress to vote in a new...
The Burma Partnership (BP), a community based advocate organisation called on the United Nation High Commissioner for Refugee to consult and to...
A new report by Arakan Oil Watch (AOW) called “Danger Zone” alleges that a planned Chinese industrial zone threatens the livelihoods of tens of...
A report Burma released by ethnic students and youth groups 12, December documents the lack of inclusion and consultation with local communities by...
A Karenni women’s group called for the halt to the expansion of the Mawchi tin mines in Karenni State in Eastern Burma. The Karenni women’s group...
Old and unexploded landmines remain an everyday threat to the lives of civilians and restrict their ability to travel safely.
