A Shan environmental organization warned that the recent increase military tension between the Burma Army and the ethnic armed group, the Shan State...
The Burma government and Karen health officials have agreed to join forces to combat malaria in rural communities.
Government authorities have applied pressure to 30 villagers in Cha Khan village who have refused to relocate, to make way for the construction of...
The Myanmar Mahar Dana Company called a meeting to discuss with Htilon villagers their plans to build an antimony processing plant near Htilon...
Karen News photojournalist Saw Mort spent time with landmine casualty Saw LahKyi, a Karen National Liberation Army soldier, who lost both legs when...
Between Thailand and Myanmar, the town of Mae Sot is experiencing rapid economic growth. But the story of success is a double-edged sword, with...
Farmers in Karen State have been told to apply for land concession of their farmland that were either confiscated or were sold off by officials in...
Following the murderous violence between Buddhist and Muslim communities in Meikhtila Town last week, a prominent Buddhist monk organization has...
The Karen Refugees Committee has issued a statement outlining its position on the repatriation of Karen refugees on the Thai-Burma border.
The Kaw Moo Ra Karen Youth Group last week raided an island located in the middle of the Moei River and ‘detained’ suspected drug runners and seized...
Over 100 houses located in area near a Burma Army camp in Three Pagoda Pass Town were told by senior army officer they had to leave the area.
Karen News is led to understand that the death toll from the fire that destroyed the Ban Mae Surin refugee camp has now been confirmed as 35 with one...
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has confirmed today that 45 refugees were killed in a fire that tore through the Baan Mae...
Karen National Union officials in the Tenasserim Township, Southern Burma are concerned that a coalmine will pollute local waterways posing a health...
An environmentalist advocate, the Love Salween Group, issued a statement yesterday condemning government officials for denying a request by villagers...
