More human rights NGO’s are speaking out against land confiscation in Burma by companies, the army, and other individuals and entities connected to...
A number of regional human rights organisations have hit out at land confiscation in Burma by companies and individuals with links to the government.
A report released yesterday by the Karen Human Rights Group (KHRG) said the preliminary ceasefire between Burma’s government and the Karen National...
Karen National Union (KNU) delegates led by Vice-Chairperson Padoh Naw Zipporah Sein met with Aung San Suu Kyi (Daw Suu) to discuss the peace process...
A Karen National Union (KNU) delegation led by its Vice Chairperson Padoh Naw Zipporah Sein made a historic political tour to Karen communities in...
A human rights advocacy group based in Britain has launched a campaign demanding the British Government intervene to secure the release of a jailed...
The Karen National Union’s vice chairperson, Naw Zipporah Sein, travelled to the Irrawaddy Delta and to Rangoon to hear what people thought and felt...
A row of young women lie next to their newborn babies at Mae Tao Clinic’s Reproductive Health In-Patient ward on the Thai-Burma border. Most of the...
Karen National Union delegates led by its vice chairperson Padoh Naw Zipporah Sein met with Aung San Suu Kyi to discuss the current peace process at...
The signing of a January 2012 preliminary ceasefire between Burma’s government and the Karen National Union has brought its own challenges with “new...
A Karen National Union (KNU) official told a visiting Japanese parliamentarian that it’s crucial for KNU officials to be consulted and involved when...
In a statement released to mark Press Freedom Day, Human Rights Watch condemned Burma’s government over the arrest and intimidation of journalists...
Government officials and local Karen National Union officials have decided to let villagers decide if a cement factory is to be built in their area.
The newly formed Karen National Party (KNP), based in the Irrawaddy Delta region, elected its leadership committee following a public meeting on...
Hundreds of workers gathered in Mae Sot’s district office today to march through the town and along Asia Highway in solidarity for workers worldwide...
