About 400 flee after gunfight between junta’s army and DKBA

About 400 flee after gunfight between junta’s army and DKBA
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About 400 people fled to Thailand in the wake of gun battles between the Burmese Army and the Democratic Karen Buddhist Army (DKBA) troops ....

About 400 people fled to Thailand in the wake of gun battles between the Burmese Army and the Democratic Karen Buddhist Army (DKBA) troops in Wor Lay area, Karen State on Sunday night.

“Nearly 400 villagers came to Thailand on Sunday night because of the clashes on the Burmese side,” a Thai villager said.

At 6 pm on Sunday night, DKBA battalion (907) and a military column from the tactical command 3 under MOC 8 of the Burmese Army clashed in Thanmanikon in Wor Lay area for 10 minutes, according to Maj. Saw Kyi Aung from KNLA battalion 201.

“When the DKBA battalion (907) was going back to its base, it met the Burmese Army column. There was exchange of gunfire for about 10 minutes. One soldier of the Burmese Army was killed and one injured,” he said.

Around 7 pm, the DKBA troops ambushed reinforcement troops of the Infantry Battalion 97 and Light Infantry Battalion 404 again at Kanaelay area on Sunday for 10 minutes. The casualty if any on the Burmese Army side is not known but a soldier of the DKBA and two villagers were injured, according to a DKBA source.

“In the gun battle, one soldier was injured on our side. I don’t know about the casualties on the Burmese Army side. Burmese Army’s shells landed in the village injuring two villagers,” a DKBA officer said.

There are a total of 600 refugees, who arrived in Wor Lay village, Photphra township in Thailand. Karen social organizations and local health care groups are helping them.

According to border news sources, reinforcement from LIB 401, 402 and 403 arrived at Myawaddy town yesterday evening.