KPP victorious in Taung-Oo

KPP victorious in Taung-Oo
by -
Nan Phaw Gay

Of the four political parties, which contested the election in Taung-Oo township, the KPP bagged the majority of votes and recorded victory ...

Of the four political parties, which contested the election in Taung-Oo township, the KPP bagged the majority of votes and recorded victory with a large margin.

The USDP, the NUP, the KPP and the PSDP contested the election in Taung-Oo constituency. The KPP won with 1,757 votes, according to a resident, who is close to the election commission.

The USDP got 578 votes, the NUP - 280 votes, the KPP - 1,757 votes and the PSDP – 129 votes. There were 215 cancelled votes.

The KPP party’s chairman U Saw Tun Aung Myint confirmed to KIC that his party won in Taung-Oo township.

“Currently, one candidate from our party won in Thantaung township and another won in Taung-Oo. U Saw Say Wah Nyunt contested in Taung-Oo constituency,” he said.

U Tun Aung Myint said he is yet to find out exactly how many of his party candidates won in the election.

Polling station No.1 was set up in the middle school in Kalelar village in Bawgaligyi sub-township, Thantaung township. Township administrator U Than Oo, government staff and village headmen were in charge of the polling station and the Burmese Army’s LIB 336 provided security.

Thantaung Township administrator U Than Oo and Lt. Col. Myo Hla, tactical strategic commander under the MOC 7, had collected advance votes in Htan Tapin township on November 5. It is learnt that they threatened villagers, who did not cast advance votes, and demanded 100,000 Kyat as fine.

Before the election, family lists were collected from Ramudeh, Dehdoh, Mawkoedeh, Pelkawdeh, Khupalawdeh, Mawhkardeh, Kawsoekho, Lelko, Wahthokho, Kawtheydeh, and Kalaysoekhi (Yaythogyi) villages except Bawgaligyi village but the Election Commission had announced that there would be no election in these villages, according to a local resident.

“Even though there was a polling station in Bawgaligyi village but 11 villages near Bawgaligyi could not vote because of the volatile situation. The family list was collected in September, October and early November,” he said.

About half of the population in New Thantaung town and Thantaung Gyi town voted in the election on November 7.