Forced labour by army in Htan Ta Pin township

Forced labour by army in Htan Ta Pin township
by -
Saw Thein Myint

Since early this month villagers from Tekpu village tract, 20 miles southeast of Htan Ta Pin town in Karen State, are being used as forced labour by the Burmese Army...

Since early this month villagers from Tekpu village tract, 20 miles southeast of Htan Ta Pin town in Karen State, are being used as forced labour by the Burmese Army.

The army forced 38 villagers from four villages to carry military rations of the Infantry Battalion No. 102 under MOC-7 (Military Operation Command) based in Tekpu, Htan Ta Pin Township, Saw El Wah, in-charge of the Committee for Internally Displaced Karen People (CIDKP) said.

“Nine men and three women from Tekpu village, eight men and seven women from Myauk Chaung village, six men and six women from Han Toe village, and six men and three women from Kan Pel Myaung village were forced to carry army rations from Tekpu camp to Thabyaynyung camp by IB 102 on Oct 12,” Saw El Wah told KIC.

Again on 12 October, 30 villagers were forced to carry army rations from Yaytakun village to Paletwa army camp by soldiers from IB 102 based in Kalawmedel (Yaytakun village), he added.

The army is systematically and intentionally committing abuses on local people, a commander from KNLA brigade No. 2 said.

“The Burmese Army is forcing local people to work. They are being forced to carry army rations. The villagers are also carrying things, like areca nuts, cardamom seeds, confiscated from locals, for sale. People are unable to do their own work to earn their livelihood,” he said.

Six men and four women from Tekpu village were forced to carry army rations from Baranathi camp to Tekpu camp by this battalion on October 9. Villagers from Zephyugon village were forced to send eight wooden pillars and 350 bamboos on October 11 by IB 73, based in Sarzebo army camp, under the southern military command.

Locals said four villagers from each village are on daily duty at the military camp in this area to collect firewood, vegetables among other things since 2006. The army units also restrict locals from travelling around the area.