KSDDP fields four candidates in Karen State

KSDDP fields four candidates in Karen State
by -
Nan Htoo San

The Kayin State Democracy and Development Party (KSDDP) has nominated four candidates to contest the elections....

The Kayin State Democracy and Development Party (KSDDP) has nominated four candidates to contest the elections on November 7 in Karen State.

The KSDDP was formed with 27 CEC members including the Chairman Saw Thar Htoo Kyaw, Vice-Chairman Saw Aung Nge, and Secretary Saw Thaung Myat. Four candidates of the KSDDP will contest for State and National Parliament from Hlaing Bwe, Myawaddy and Kyar Inn Seik Gyi township, a candidate said.

Among the four candidates, Saw Thar Htoo Kyaw will contest for State Hluttaw in constituency No. 2 in Hlaing Bwe township, Saw Aung Ngwe will contest for National Hluttaw in constituency No. 1 in Hlaing Bwe township, Sai Chit Hlaing will contest for State Hluttaw in Myawaddy township and Mann Aung Tin Myint will contest for National Hluttaw in Kyar Inn Seik Gyi township.

On October 11, Chairman Saw Thar Htoo Kyaw broadcast the party's policy on TV saying that the aim of forming KSDDP and contesting the election was to work for people in Karen State and to cooperate with other parties for the future of Burma.

The KSDDP will cooperate with people to implement "non-disintegration of the Union", "non-disintegration of national solidarity", "perpetuation of sovereignty" and "building a peaceful and modern nation". The party will also cooperate with local people to work for Karen State’s development, peace and democracy, party members said.

However till now the candidates have not started campaigning in their respective constituencies.

"We have not started campaigning because we do not have the experience and are afraid to go wrong, hence the delay," a candidate said

The KSDDP has opened an office in Pa-an town in Karen State. The party registered as a political party with the Election commission on August 19. The KSDDP is an offshoot of the DKBA.

The KSDDP is a regime-backed party. It will not contest the election in all townships in Karen State.