Two DKBA child soldiers desert

Two DKBA child soldiers desert
by -
Nan Phaw Gay

Two child soldiers of the Democratic Karen Buddhist Army (DKBA), who did not want to join the Border Guard Force (BGF),....

Two child soldiers of the Democratic Karen Buddhist Army (DKBA), who did not want to join the Border Guard Force (BGF), deserted to KNU’s brigade 7 on 22 August.

The deserters’ are- Saw Khu Muu, (14), personal number 11711 and Saw Der Eh (15) (with no personal number). They had served under company commander Rambo of battalion 3, DKBA brigade 555 commanded by Lt. Col. Aung Lin.

Saw Khu Muu told KIC he escaped, when he was on duty in Kalo Muunee Khi, between Mae Thawal and Mi Aye Pu in Pha-an district.

"We don’t want to be Burmese Army soldiers. Our battalion commander told us that we would be in the Burmese Army in the future. When he was going back to the rear camp, we escaped. We want to fight the Burmese Army."

Saw Khu Muu has been in DKBA four years but Saw Der Eh was in service for a year. They live in Htee Yar Thay Htar and Kamar Htar village in Hlaing Bwe Township in Karen State. Both of were forcibly recruited by DKBA soldiers.

"I live in Htee Yar Thay Htar village. When I was 10 and studying in the fifth standard (middle school), DKBA soldiers came to our school and forcibly recruited us. Three of us, me and another third standard student, were taken away. Our parents and school teachers didn't say anything because they were afraid. I attended basic military training for four months but I didn't go to the battle front," Saw Khu Muu said.

Likewise, Saw Der Eh told KIC, "I have never studied in a school.  I worked in a paddy field. DKBA soldiers took me from my paddy field after they said that they needed soldiers to attack Mi Aye Pu camp. My dad and mom were afraid to say anything. I have been in DKBA for a year."

The child soldiers brought two AR assault rifles, 176 rounds of ammunition and seven magazines with them. According to them there are six soldiers their age and four troopers, about 18 years old, in the battalion.

"These two soldiers are still children. Even if they want to be soldiers, I will force them to study in school. When they attain the right age, we will think of their wishes," Brigadier Gen. Saw Jonny, commander of KNU brigade 7, told KIC.

DKBA held a ceremony after transforming to BGF in Hlaing Bwe and Myawaddy Township. This month, eight DKBA soldiers, including three young officers deserted to KNU brigade 7, while 14 joined KNU in July, according to a report by the KNLA military command.